Personal auto policies to be issued in the name of the
Alabama Automobile Insurance Plan starting January 1, 2025:
Effective January 1, 2025, personal auto policies will be
issued in the name of the Alabama Automobile Insurance Plan (AL-2024-Revision
002 Plan of Operation manual changes).
On January 1, 2022, the Alabama Plan's Personal Automobile
Insurance Procedure (PAIP) was implemented. The personal auto policies were
issued with National Specialty Insurance Company as the insurer.
Existing personal auto policies in force policies with
National Specialty will be nonrenewed 30 days in advance of policy expiration.
The insured will need to shop the voluntary market, and if ineligible for the
voluntary market, can apply back to the Plan.
For further information regarding PAIP and revised Plan
language, please refer to the Alabama Automobile Insurance Plan Manual
Any questions about these changes can be directed to the
Alabama Automobile Insurance Plan at 1-800-301-6477.
Contact Information for AIPSO Insurance Operations:
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530
Phone: 855-224-2247
Fax: 855-224-7329