Utah Automobile Insurance Plan

Utah Automobile Insurance Plan

The Utah Automobile Insurance Plan was created to provide automobile insurance coverage to eligible risks who seek coverage and are unable to obtain such coverage through the voluntary market. Eligible Utah Automobile Insurance Plan risks are shared among companies writing automobile insurance in the state of Utah.

Utah is one of several states that comprise an association of auto plans referred to as the Western Association of Automobile Insurance Plans (WAAIP). WAAIP is a processing center where people who have trouble buying automobile insurance are put in touch with an insurance company which will insure them.

Mailing Address

Western Association of Automobile Insurance Plans
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm PT


(800) 227-4659


(800) 827-6260



Scheduled Site Maintenance - Monday, March 31 at 7:30 am ET

AIPSO.com will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, March 31, 2025 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am ET and may be temporarily unavailable during that time. Please plan accordingly.


Change in Commercial Automobile Insurance Procedure (CAIP) Servicing Carrier

Effective September 1, 2022 National Specialty Insurance Company (National Specialty) will be replacing NCIC as the CAIP Servicing Carrier for the Utah Automobile Insurance Plan. The National Specialty policies will be serviced by AIPSO. This change will apply only to policies issued by NCIC.
For Policies with an Effective Date on or after September 1, 2022, please direct inquiries to:
National Specialty Insurance Company
Serviced by AIPSO
PO Box 6200
Providence, RI 02940
Phone 855-224-2247

In-Force Policies Prior to September 1, 2022

Any policy in-force with National Continental Insurance Company (NCIC) with an effective date of August 31, 2022 or prior will non-renew on the first anniversary following September 1, 2022 .
As part of the non-renewal process, NCIC will notify the insured and producer that the Plan policy they issued will not be renewed (in accordance with Plan language for each state). The insured will be advised to contact their producer to determine if they can obtain coverage in the voluntary market. If the insured is unable to obtain coverage in the voluntary market, the insured may re-apply to the Plan for coverage.
For In-Force Policies with an Effective Date of August 31, 2022 or earlier, direct inquiries to:
National Continental Insurance Company
CAIP Underwriting
PO Box 94762
Cleveland OH 44101
Phone 800-777-5304

Important Notice

Please contact the Plan Office Customer Service toll-free number at (800) 227-4659 for the following inquiries:
  • For consumers looking for Assigned Risk insurance coverage.
  • For producers/agents who require assistance with the Assigned Risk Plan. 


 TitleCategoryModified DateSize 
Authorization to Change Producer of Record (AIP1962 3-22)Form3/1/202213.70 KBDownload
CAIP Inspected Unit Form ProcedureInstructions3/1/20231.76 MBDownload
CAIP Inspected Units Form (AIP3504 9-19)Form1/19/2021160.94 KBDownload
Commercial Alternate Application Package (AIP1951 1-25)Form1/2/2025290.36 KBDownload
Commercial Operator Schedule (AIP3502 12-02)Supplement7/18/201153.66 KBDownload
Commercial Vehicle Schedule (AIP3500 9-22)Supplement3/10/2023117.58 KBDownload
Commercial/Private Passenger Policy Change Request (AIP1352 1-23)Form1/3/202363.24 KBDownload
Company Performance Complaint (AIP1355 5-14)Form4/29/2014271.75 KBDownload
Company Subscribership Questionnaire (5-17)Form3/13/2020430.49 KBDownload
Named Driver Exclusion Acknowledgement (AIP1952 10/12)Forms or Supplement3/9/202380.48 KBDownload
Notice of Agency Acquisition Transfer Merger (AIP1963 3-22)Form3/1/202215.42 KBDownload
OFAC Advisory Notice to Policyholders (AIP1360 3-20)Notice2/20/202517.39 KBDownload
Private Passenger Alternate Application Package (AIP1950 1-25)Form1/2/2025264.39 KBDownload
Producer Performance Complaint (AIP1354 5-14)Form4/29/2014281.43 KBDownload
UT Underinsured Motorists Coverage Additional Autos (AIP1954 12-20)Form11/30/202043.46 KBDownload
UT Uninsured Motorists Coverage Additional Autos (AIP1956 12-20)Form11/30/202043.36 KBDownload
WAAIP Producer Registration Application Interactive (AIP1552 6-18)Form4/12/2022201.09 KBDownload
WAAIP Retraction Request (AIP1553 9-22)Form8/30/202229.53 KBDownload

Western Association of Automobile Insurance Plans
PO Box 6530   Providence, RI 02940
Monday - Friday  8:00 am - 4:30 pm PT
Phone: (800) 227-4659  Fax: (415) 421-4013  Email: waaip@aipso.com