Quick/Free Access to NYAIP Assignment Information
To use the NYAIP's automated Assignment Confirmation facility:
- Establish a username and password to log in
- Go to "For Registered Users" column on the left, and select "Assignment Confirmation"
- Select "New York" from the Automobile Insurance Plan drop down menu
Producer Application Submission System (PASS)
PASS is an internet-based program that enables certified producers to electronically effect coverage and submit applications to the Plan. To access PASS, go to www.nypass.com.
Take Out Credit Program
The following TOC documents are available to registered users after log in:
- The TOC FAQ and General Audit Guidelines. Go to "Plan Documents".
- The TOC Reporting Instructions. Go to "Plan Documents".
Plan rules and the Department of Financial Services (DFS) directives remain the first authority. These documents are intended only to provide the user with general help and guidance.