Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association

Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association

The Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association is available to licensed drivers and vehicle owners who have been unable to purchase insurance from other companies. The FAJUA is often referred to as "The High Risk Market" or "Market of Last Resort".

Every insurer authorized to write automobile liability insurance or automobile physical damage insurance in Florida shall be a member of the Association and shall subscribe and be bound by the Articles of Association of the FAJUA and by the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. FAJUA was created pursuant Sections 627.311 and 627.351, Florida Statutes, by order of the Insurance Commissioner Dated February 9, 1973.

FAJUA main website - For business prior to 10/1/2017
Mailing & Payment Address - For New Business on or after 10/1/2017

Florida Auto JUA - serviced by AIPSO
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:15 am - 4:15 pm ET


(800) 827-6370


(800) 516-1923



Street Address

Florida Auto JUA - serviced by AIPSO
302 Central Avenue
Johnston, RI 02919

Plan Administration - Address and Contact Information

Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association
1425 Piedmont Drive East, Suite 201 A
Tallahassee, FL 32308

Phone: (850) 681-2003
Fax: (850) 681-7802
Email: Help@fajua.com

App Submission (EASi) Producer/Agent Directory Rating Worksheets Territories Points

Scheduled Site Maintenance - Monday, March 31 at 7:30 am ET

AIPSO.com will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, March 31, 2025 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am ET and may be temporarily unavailable during that time. Please plan accordingly.


Producer Registration

For Producer Registration: Email Elaine Joyner, or call 850-681-2003.



For new losses effective 10/1/2020:
E-mail: fajua@athensadmin.com
Telephone: 1-888-534-6375 | Fax: 916-384-0965
Mail: Athens Insurance Services, Inc.
P. O. Box 4111, Concord CA 94524
For losses or questions prior 10/1/2020:
E-mail: YorkClaimsIntake@yorkrsg.com
Telephone: 1-866-391-9675 | Fax 800-393-8104
Mail: PO Box 183188, Columbus OH 43218
AIPSO, headquartered in Rhode Island, is the service provider for the Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association (FAJUA).  In the event an Operations Bulletin above this section indicates an AIPSO home office closing or delayed opening, please contact the FAJUA office at (850) 681-2003 for any policy issues.

Florida Automobile Joint Underwriting Association
1425 Piedmont Drive East, Suite 201 A Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850)681-2003  Fax: (850)681-7802  Email: Help@fajua.com