California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan

California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan

The CALIFORNIA AUTOMOBILE ASSIGNED RISK PLAN (CAARP) was created in 1947 by the state legislature with the essential purpose to provide automobile liability insurance to those who "in good faith" are entitled to but are unable to procure such insurance through ordinary methods. The statute indicates a legislative intent to encourage drivers to seek insurance in the voluntary market using the assigned risk plan only as a last resort.

What is the Assigned Risk Plan? It is a processing center by which people who have trouble buying automobile insurance are put in touch with an insurance company which will insure them. From then on, the person and the certified producer communicate with the insurance company as if they had chosen the company. As part of the initial processing, the Plan makes financial responsibility filings with the Department of Motor Vehicles if requested on the application. If the insured or producer is having difficulty in getting the attention of the insurance company, we attempt to assist. When appropriate we will also assist insurance companies in communicating with insured and certified producers.The assigned risk plan is not an insurance company. Its rates are recommended by CAARP's Advisory Committee and approved by the Department of Insurance. It is the Advisory Committee’s obligation to propose rates and run the Plan on a self-sustaining basis. The financial backing necessary to assume the risk comes from companies who are required by law to participate in the plan.

Applicants to the plan are divided among these insurance companies in proportion to the amount of automobile insurance business each company writes in the state. For example, a company which insures 10 percent of the cars in California's regular market insures 10 percent of the applicants to the assigned risk plan.

Only certified producers can submit applications to the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan. Any agent/broker with a California fire & casualty license can become a certified producer with CAARP. Agents/brokers must complete an application for CAARP certification and include a copy of their current California fire & casualty license.

Mailing Address

California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm PT


(800) 622-0954


(415) 421-4013


App Submission (EASi) Rating Worksheets Territories

Scheduled Site Maintenance - Monday, March 31 at 7:30 am ET will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, March 31, 2025 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am ET and may be temporarily unavailable during that time. Please plan accordingly.


Change in Commercial Automobile Insurance Procedure (CAIP) Servicing Carrier

Effective September 1, 2022 National Specialty Insurance Company (National Specialty) will be replacing NCIC as the CAIP Servicing Carrier for the California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan. The National Specialty policies will be serviced by AIPSO. This change will apply only to policies issued by NCIC.
For Policies with an Effective Date on or after September 1, 2022, please direct inquiries to:

National Specialty Insurance Company
Serviced by AIPSO
PO Box 6200
Providence, RI 02940
Phone 855-224-2247
Fax 855-224-7329

In-Force Policies Prior to September 1, 2022

Any policy in-force with National Continental Insurance Company (NCIC) with an effective date of August 31, 2022 or prior will non-renew on the first anniversary following September 1, 2022 .
As part of the non-renewal process, NCIC will notify the insured and producer that the Plan policy they issued will not be renewed (in accordance with Plan language for each state). The insured will be advised to contact their producer to determine if they can obtain coverage in the voluntary market. If the insured is unable to obtain coverage in the voluntary market, the insured may re-apply to the Plan for coverage.
For In-Force Policies with an Effective Date of August 31, 2022 or earlier, direct inquiries to:

National Continental Insurance Company
CAIP Underwriting
PO Box 94762
Cleveland OH 44101
Phone 800-777-5304

Effective Immediately:

Communication with National Continental Insurance Company has been expanded to include email:

(You will receive an auto-response to your email with an assigned tracking number for your inquiry/request and important information) 

Important Notice

Effective October 1, 2021 CAARP will be implementing a new Private Passenger Pool (PPP). Twenty percent of the CAARP private passenger applications will be assigned to the PPP and will be issued by CAARP on policies in the name of CAARP. All policy processing services will be performed by AIPSO. All other aspects will remain the same. The assignment notice you receive will inform you if the application was assigned to the PPP or was assigned to a designated company.

E-Signature (Private Passenger Applications Only)

Certified producers may now utilize their own e-signature product/process to secure the necessary signatures at the application process. 

Revised Convenience Fee Rates

Effective 12/1/2014, the convenience fee pricing for use of debit card payments for CAARP Private Passenger and CA Low Cost Auto processed through EASi has been revised and reduced by our vendor, Official Payments:

California Low Cost: $1.95

CAARP: $2.95

(Prior pricing was at $3.99 for California Low Cost and $19.99 for CAARP)

Credit Card convenience fees will remain unchanged:

California Low Cost: $3.99

CAARP: $19.99


 TitleCategoryModified DateSize 
CA Dec to Exclude Inoperable Vehicle (AIP1274 4-21)Form4/27/202157.49 KBDownload
CA Dec to Exclude Vehicle (AIP1273 4-21)Form4/27/202163.73 KBDownload
CA Driver Training Rejection Hired and Nonowned (AIP1275 4-21)Form4/27/202160.36 KBDownload
CA Third Party Designee Form (AIP1267 1-16)Form1/8/202173.99 KBDownload
CAIP Inspected Units Form (AIP1266 9-19)Form1/8/2021194.18 KBDownload
CAIP Inspected Units Form InstructionsGuide8/14/2019612.24 KBDownload
Commercial Agency Change (AIP1253 1-13)Form1/8/202118.30 KBDownload
Commercial Alternate Application Package (AIP1251 1-25)Form1/2/2025280.35 KBDownload
Commercial Name Ownership Change (AIP1261 9-06)Form 1/8/202161.32 KBDownload
Commercial Operator Schedule (AIP3502 12-02)Supplement1/8/2021105.24 KBDownload
Commercial Policy Change Request (AIP1268 1-25)Form1/2/2025134.04 KBDownload
Commercial Producer Change Authorization (AIP1256 10-07)Form1/8/202114.13 KBDownload
Commercial Public Auto Questionaire Form1/8/202123.16 KBDownload
Commercial Trucking Questionaire Form1/8/202126.51 KBDownload
Commercial Vehicle Schedule (AIP3500 9-22)Supplement8/31/202256.27 KBDownload
Company Performance Complaint (AIP1255 1-14)Form12/31/201351.98 KBDownload
Company Subscribership Questionnaire (5-17)Form3/13/2020430.49 KBDownload
EASi Retraction Request (AIP1247 10-21)Form10/1/202138.58 KBDownload
OFAC Advisory Notice to Policyholders (AIP1360 3-20)Notice2/20/202589.28 KBDownload
Private Passenger Alternate Application Package (AIP1250 1-25)Form1/2/2025299.97 KBDownload
Private Passenger Policy Change Request (AIP1267 1-25)Form1/2/2025120.50 KBDownload
Producer Certification Application Interactive (AIP 1249 10-21)Form3/7/2024236.41 KBDownload
Producer Peer Review Subcommittee ApplicationForm10/25/2024110.53 KBDownload
Producer Performance Complaint (AIP1254 1-14)Form12/31/201350.18 KBDownload
Public Transportation Autos - Other Than Zone Rated Worksheet Worksheet1/8/202126.25 KBDownload
Public Transportation Autos - Zone Rated Worksheet Worksheet11/21/201714.24 KBDownload
Trucks, Tractors & Trailers - Other Than Zone Rated WorksheetWorksheet11/21/201711.81 KBDownload
Trucks, Tractors & Trailers - Zone Rated WorksheetWorksheet11/21/201711.78 KBDownload

California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan
PO Box 6530   Providence, RI 02940
Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:30 PT
Phone: (800) 622-0954  Fax: (415) 421-4013  Email: