Associated Auto Insurers Plan of South Carolina

Associated Auto Insurers Plan of South Carolina

Attention: The AAIPSC does not provide insurance coverage for large commercial risks. These risks continue to be written through the SC CAIP. If you are interested in placing a large commercial risk click here.

The Associated Auto Insurers Plan of South Carolina (AAIPSC or the “Plan”) was promulgated by the South Carolina Department of Insurance pursuant to South Carolina Statute 38-77-810. All insurers licensed and writing automobile insurance in the state must participate in the AAIPSC by accepting assignments to provide automobile insurance.

All producers holding a valid license to transact automobile insurance business in South Carolina must be certified in accordance with provisions of the Plan in order to submit eligible automobile insurance applications to the AAIPSC.

Applicants must declare and certify that they have tried and failed to obtain automobile insurance in South Carolina within the preceding 60 days.

Applications to the plan are assigned to insurance companies in proportion to the amount of voluntary automobile insurance business each company writes in the state for each line of business. For example, a company that writes 10% of the voluntary private passenger nonfleet liability car years in South Carolina will receive applications representing approximately 10% of the Plan private passenger nonfleet AIP premiums over the course of a calendar year. The assigned company must write and service the policy and is responsible for all losses.

Mailing Address

Associated Auto Insurers Plan of South Carolina
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm ET


(866) 560-4100


(401) 528-1361


Scheduled Site Maintenance - Monday, March 31 at 7:30 am ET will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, March 31, 2025 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am ET and may be temporarily unavailable during that time. Please plan accordingly.


Associated Auto Insurers Plan of South Carolina
P.O. Box 6530 • Providence, RI 02940-6530
Monday  - Friday 8:30 - 4:30 ET

Phone: (866) 560-4100 Fax: (401) 528-1361 Email: