Arkansas Automobile Insurance Plan

Arkansas Automobile Insurance Plan

The Arkansas Automobile Insurance Plan was created in 1947 to provide automobile insurance coverage to eligible risks who seek coverage and are unable to obtain such coverage through the voluntary market (for complete eligibility requirements, see Section 2 and 18 of the Plan Manual).

Any insurance agent holding a valid Property & Casualty license for the state of Arkansas can write business through the AIP.

Applications to the plan are divided among insurance companies in proportion to the amount of voluntary automobile insurance business each company writes in the state. For example, a company that insures 10 percent of the autos in Arkansas voluntary market receives 10 percent of the applicants to the assigned risk plan.

Mailing Address

Arkansas Automobile Insurance Plan
P.O. Box 6530
Providence, RI 02940-6530

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm ET


(800) 413-5808


(401) 528-1361


Scheduled Site Maintenance - Monday, March 31 at 7:30 am ET will be undergoing maintenance on Monday, March 31, 2025 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am ET and may be temporarily unavailable during that time. Please plan accordingly.


Effective 1/1/2023

Effective 1/1/2023, the requirement for submission of all applications to the Plan electronically will be expanded to include commercial applications.  This means the online process for electronic application submission authorized by the Plan, known as EASi must be used for private passenger and commercial applications. The electronic application submission process (EASi) offers online completion of the application and electronically transmits the application to the Plan. The completed signed application, deposit and supporting documentation must be forwarded to the Plan in accordance with Plan rules.
If you are already registered with the Arkansas Plan, please make sure you have access to EASi with your username and password.   To maintain access to electronic application submission, a copy of all producer licenses shall be submitted to the Plan within 60 days of the renewal date by mail or fax (401-528-1361).  If you do not know your username or password, please contact the Plan at 800-413-5808 or
If you are not currently registered with the Arkansas Plan, please complete the application for registration to access the electronic application submission interface (EASi).  The application can be found under forms on the Arkansas Plan Site. Once the application is completed, please submit the completed application and a copy of your current license to the plan via fax 401-528-1361.
For helpful hints regarding EASi please see the “Frequently Asked Questions – EASi”

Please note, at this time automated commercial rating is not available.  Producers should refer to the Plan manual for rating instructions and guidance.  Arkansas Plan Staff can assist with questions regarding eligibility.  

CAIP Servicing Carrier

Contact Information for AIPSO Insurance Operations:
P.O. Box 6530 
Providence, RI 02940-6530  
Phone: 855-224-2247 
Fax: 855-224-7329 

302 Central Ave Johnston, RI 02919
Monday - Friday 8:30-4:30 EST 
Phone: (800)413-5808  Fax: (401)528-1361  Email: